GTS Growing Contest #6? -a continued Script-

<<< The 1st World GTS Growing Contest! >>>

Continued script by Clay 2003.....Dedicated to Supernaut & Satsuro

Excuse me, This is Poor English version ( modified and translated by WarzWars )

When Kinoa is growing the biggest giantess at the contest, Yaiza is in a hurry to the first growing contest in Hawaii. She is late for this contest.

But she took care of her motion when she is approaching the island where she guess the GTS contest held. If she would move her gigantic body too actively, her little motion could cause tidal wave and the whole island had to be struck by disaster.
As soon as she arrived at the island the contest holding, she find a little cute girl at the beach.

Yaiza think looking at the Kinoa.. (Oh! Maybe that little girl is one of the audience... I'm luckey! the contest is not started yet, I don't think why..)

Yaiza speaks to Kinoa.. "Excuse me, a little cute lady..."

When Kinoa held the prize -giant piece of gold- and think what she will buy for it, the shadow buried her whole tremendous statue.. And the voice is fallen down to her...

"Excuse me, a little cute lady..."

As Kinoa turned in the direction of the voice, she saw first the white clothes and very huge and clear round skin. When she realize that is one breast and bikini top of very huge pair, she looked upward them...

Kinoa is incredibly surprised! There is a humogonous lady kneeling on the beach! She is at least ten times as large as Kinoa. And the Breast! She has an incredible mammaries Kinoa had never seen yet!

The giantess of giantesses, called Kinoa gently, just as if she was a child 9-10 years old.

"...could you tell me where is the growing GTS contest? I guess it hasn't started yet... hasn't it?"

Kinoa answered, regaining her composure.

"This, This, is whe, where the contest has been held..."
"Has been held? ...Was the contest finished, wasn't it? ...But there are not the entrants at all, I don't see them anywhere...."
"Oh, You only don't see them, There are all represented by in this contest now. There are all entrants on this beach, under your big breasts..."

Yaiza looked down the beach through her humogonous mammaries.
But she could only see an litte cute girl with difficulty.
Because she is too voluptuous and has too well-developed breasts to see other "small" entrant girls.
( ...and Yaiza is a little shortsighted. )

Yaiza said to a little girl through her valley of tremendous breasts.
"...Oh excuse me, I don't see what you said -and what you explained on this beach-... but OK, the contest is finished. Could you tell me who is the winner?"
"I won the contest. I am Kinoa, the winner."
"You won the contest? didn't you, Ms. Kinoa?".....Yaiza talk tenderly at any rate.
"Yes I did, I won the contest a little while ago."

Yaiza was considering for a while.

( ... mmm... That little girl is the winner the contest? I don't believe it... but I guess she never lie to me, because she is such a little innocent lady... mmm.... Oh I gotta it! )

Yaiza leaned toward Kinoa, and said gently to her.

"A cute little lady, Ms. Kinoa, Did you return normal size after the contest finished, didn't you?"
"OK, I can understand it. ....Excuse me, Kinoa, Would you mind that you will growning again to compare you getting GTS and me."
"I may possibly lose you...but I do never grow now, so could you allow my request to compare you and me when we grow GTS....please grant my selfishness?"

Kinoa is terribly shocked what the giantess with huge mammaries has to say. She did not grow yet at all?

Yaiza continued her talking, but Kinoa pay almost no attention to her, only to look up the humogonous breasts without speaking.

"... you are tired to grow? ... I know that there has to be more energy when we grow. ...OK, first I will grow as big as I can possible. If you see me as I grow my best and you think you are bigger than me when you grew in the contest, I will do apologize you sincerely to my selfishness...."

"Oh no! I am already grew the giantess as huge as I possible...."

But Kinoa's voice is too low, so Yaiza don't listen to what she said...

"... but If I was never match for you when I could grow my body, please don't look down on me just because I am so little. ...OK, I am going to grow myself, please look at me!"

Before Yaiza finished talking, she begins to grow more and more.

Kinoa, other entrant girls, and over 2,000 audience look in amazement up and up, as Yaiza is growing so tremendous and swelling out her massive breasts so mountainous that her whole statue is overflowing the island...

"Oh, No NO! Stop, Please! I have already grown as big as I can possible! I can't grow anymore! Please, Yaiza! Stop growing! You win! You are the MOST giantess in the world! Please finish grooowing anymore!!"

...But Yaiza cannot hear Kinoa shouts aloud with all her might... Yaiza is now growing more and more humogonous than the island where the contest held, so Kinoa is just like a little pet for Yaiza. Her colossal pair of mountainous breasts, only one side is already made the shadow buried the island.

Now She can look over the Hawaii islands from her point of view... If she would stand, whatever she could measured up to?

... Whoever could never know it, even Yaiza herself....

>>> To Be continued? or Not To Be? ...That is a question. <<<

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